Django Stories 1.0.8 documentation

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Integrating with Django Categories

Install django-categories

  1. Install django-categories

    $ pip install django-categories


Stories requires django-categories version >= 1.1.2

  1. Add categories to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.

  2. Supply the fields you want to be added to the Story model.

        'FK_REGISTRY': {
            'stories.story': {
            'name': 'primary_category', 'related_name': 'primary_category'
        'M2M_REGISTRY': {
            'stories.story': {
            'name': 'categories', 'related_name': 'categories'

    In this case, 2 fields are setup, one ForeignKey field called primary_category and one ManyToMany field called categories

  3. Sync your database

    $ ./ syncdb

    or if your using South

    $ ./ syncdb --migrate