.. _upgrading: ================ Upgrading to 1.0 ================ Version ``1.0`` includes of bunch of changes, some of which are not backwards compatible. This migration guide will try to help you upgrade your stories to ``1.0``. Before we install the new version of ``stories``, we need to determine which parts will need your attention. While there are no schema changes to ``stories`` and ``relations`` in ``1.0``, there are, however, some steps that need to be taken to ensure everything stays the same. Ensureing story models are correctly configured =============================================== If you using django-categories ------------------------------ The setting ``USE_CATEGORIES`` has been removed, instead you will need to use the ``categories`` to register the fields you once had. These fields were hard coded into stories as ``primary_category`` and ``categories``. Here is an example of what you can do .. code-block:: python CATEGORIES_SETTINGS = { 'FK_REGISTRY': { 'stories.story': { 'name': 'primary_category', 'related_name': 'primary_category' } }, 'M2M_REGISTRY': { 'stories.story': { 'name': 'categories', 'related_name': 'categories' } } } If you using story relations ---------------------------- ``relations`` are now a seperate app within ``stories``, you must add ``stories.relations`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'stories', 'stories.relations', ... ) .. _upgrading_with_south: If you using django-south ------------------------- ``stories`` is now ``south`` enabled, however, there are some things you will need to know about how the initial migration runs. While you will be faking the initial migration, since your upgrading, these points are good to know. 1. In order to sync the configurable ``authors`` model, the initial migration contains some custom bits. Bascially, the db columns that are created, need to be what ``django`` expects them to be. By default, ``auth.User`` model is used, which makes a table with fields ``user_id`` and ``story_id``. If we use a custom model called ``BasicUser``, for example, django expects the db columns to be ``basicuser_id`` and ``story_id``. #. It is now the responsability of ``django-categories`` to sync the category fields and not ``stories``. There is nothing special you have to do to get the fields to sync, ``categories`` includes a ``post_syncdb`` signal to sync the fields for you. *Note: this signal is only run when using south*. #. ``Relations`` have there own migrations. The models for ``relations`` set the ``db_table`` meta attribute to ``stories_storyrelation`` and not what it would normally (because of the location of the app being inside stories). Ensuring functionality ====================== The only requirement now is BeautifullSoup, all the others were removed. If you expect ``reversion``, ``tinymce`` or ``categories`` to be installed via ``stories`` requirements, please update any site specific requirements file to include these packages. If you using TinyMCE -------------------- ``django-tinymce`` was removed as a dependance of ``stories`` and therefore removed as the default widget for the ``body`` field. In order to get ``TinyMCE`` to render the ``body`` field you will need to supply ``WIDGET`` setting. .. code-block:: python STORY_SETTINGS = { ... 'WIDGET': 'path.to.TinyMCEWIdget', ... } If your using Relations ----------------------- The relation template tags have moved into the ``relations`` app within ``stories``. Any instance of ``{% load stories %}`` needs to be replaced with ``{% load story_relation_tags %}``. The tag names are still the same and function the same If your using STORY_ORDERING setting ------------------------------------ The setting ``STORY_ORDERING`` was renamed to simply ``ORDERING`` If your using the author property of the story model ---------------------------------------------------- While the property stil exists and functions the same, it was rather dumb in the way it worked. There is a new property called ``author_display`` which renders out a template you can use. This will be if you want to use a custom author model